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Measure of the compactness of a region or object.

🔎 ROI options and parameters of solidity accessor

The solidity describes the extent to which a shape is convex or concave. It is calculated through this formula.

Solidity=SurfaceConvexHull.surface;Solidity = \frac{Surface}{ConvexHull.surface};

Where ConvexHull.surfaceConvexHull.surface is the surface of ROIs convex hull.

It provides insights into the shape irregularity and concavity of the structure.
The solidity of a completely convex shape is 1, the farther it deviates from 1, the greater the extent of concavity in the shape of the ROI.

In ImageJS solidity is a ROI class accessor that returns a solidity index:

const solidity = roi.solidity;